Tuesday, January 31, 2012

chicken pesto sandwich

Yesterday I made our yummy Chicken Pesto Pizza with Red Grapes. 
I have left over pesto, chicken, and cheese- 
Chicken Pesto Sandwich 

  • crusty baguette or bread- i like the kind from costco 
  • pesto 
  • mozzarella cheese 
  • left over chicken 
  • tomatoes 
  1. Spread pesto over bread
  2. add tomato, chicken and cheese 
  3. broil till cheese melts
Cut up tomato and add balsamic vinegar, and salt for a fresh tomato salad.

Same ingredients, whole new taste

** if you still have left over pesto place into old fashion ice cube trays freeze. Pop them out and store in freezer. Take out cubes when needed.

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